Horses need help in Ukraine! .. Animals are not spared the war

 A British equine consortium seems to be the first to publicly launch an aid project aimed at assisting horses affected by the growing crisis following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Spearheaded by the British Equestrian Federation, the British Horse Society, the British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA) and World Horse Welfare, with the support of various other member bodies across the industry, ‘British Equestrians for Ukraine’ has been established to help facilitate a supply chain to meet the immediate needs for goods on the ground, as well as raising money to help purchase supplies and covered possible transportation costs.

The group is also working to coordinate efforts to ensure that delivery of urgently needed supplies are routed through a Polish logistics hub that will oversee documentation and expedite deliveries. According to Claire Williams, executive directive of BETA, “What has already been achieved in such a short time shows what we’re able to do by working together. 

Shipments of hay and bedding are already on their way, but the logistics due to Brexit are challenging. Feed companies with distributors and stock on the Continent are stepping up to assist, while other who are experienced exporters are committing supplies to be sent through shared loads or directly with their usual hauliers. Other companies who are not in a position to send product have also pledged cash donations to the new fund.”

Breeding News will continue to share news as it becomes available with regard to assistance for sport horse breeders in Ukraine. Although we are not able to determine whether it’s possible to connect directly with the Ukrainian Sport Horse Studbook at this time, their email address is:

If you are also managing projects aimed at helping sport horse breeders affected by the war in Ukraine, please let me know so information can be regularly published and updated.

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